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We were discussing mythology in our history class and our teacher recommended it to us.
Legendele Olimpului [Vol. I+II] by Alexandru Mitru
That's how much I enjoyed it. Return to Book Page.
Books by Alexandru Mitru. Even if it is a book that was demanded for school and I hate reading something that I must, not that I chooseit's a great book about old myths with gods and heroes.
Legendele Olimpului [Vol. I+II]
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Taco rated it it was amazing Dec 06, Preview — Legendele Olimpului [Vol. Sep 06, Sabina Sabina rated it really liked it.

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The book totally did a number on my young and impressionable mind, and I think I managed to read this whole thing in about a week, which you have to admit I think I read this when I was in primary school, 4th grade to be exact.
Jul 25, Iuliana Manea rated it it was amazing. Marius Laibar rated it liked it Sep 21, Trivia About Legendele Olimpul Chiar sunt niste repovestiri minunate!
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The book totally did a number on my young and impressionable mind, and I think I managed to read this whole thing in about a week, which you have to admit, for a 9 year old girl it's pretty quick. Jun 03, Alexander rated it it was amazing. Feb 06, diana fiscutean rated it it was amazing. Andreea rated it really liked it Jun 19, Interesting stuff back then, read it because i was reading Carl Gustav Jung and he was making a lot of mythological references which made me reconsider having it ignored it as school reading.
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Mar 06, Carmen rated it it was amazing. Importanta este insa leendele lor, iar Alexandru Mitru ne-a oferit o versiune minunata, de neuitat si chiar de neegalat. Eram in clasa a 4-a si citeva colege ne daduseram nume dupa zeite. Mariusl rated it really liked it Aug 11, So depending on what exactly you are searching, you will be able to choose ebooksto suit your own needs.
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