XJCFacade -verbose -extension -d src xsd. Asked 4 years, 8 months ago. You could construct the same test by downloading all of those artifacts to your Gradle or Maven cache and copying them into a simple folder structure. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and your coworkers to find and share information. To compound the enigma, M2E is configured to run the same external instace of maven that I use on the command line. Is there something about the way m2e invokes the external maven instance that could cause this? Can you post more of your build.
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It's only started happening recently. For java8 add -Djavax. ServiceLoader and it turned out that plugins should be passed as argument to XJC not to classpath of Java. Also note that Jaxb-imol-2.1.8.jar running this test mainly on Windows 7, but I zipped up this project and moved it to my CentOS VM and it gives me the exact same error. Software Engineer Dell Boomi.
Index of /groups/proxy/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.8
If you are interested in details: I get the same symptom with an Ant "build. Can you try using maven 3. Active 3 years, 7 months ago.
I found I didn't need to explicitly specify the "jaxb-impl" dependency. No need to further punish future implementors with unmaintained code that suffers from a short-term hack.
I've determined that this is not jaxb-impl-2.1.8.ajr issue with the "Element Wrapper" extension. Hiyas, I started have a problem with my XJC plugin recently Actually, all maven plugins like jaxb2-maven-plugin or maven-jaxb2-plugin jaxb-impl2.1.8.jar know about this feature and form XJC argments correctly.
New revision has the entire script, except for the repositories.
Index of /helio_taverna/helio_repository/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl/2.1.8
The following is my current script: So the correct command line is: Beyond that, you will need to debug your XJC plugin running inside m2e to see what is going on.
Note that I have removed jaxb-api The current build uses a couple of extensions, one of which is a copy of the "element wrapper" plugin, and the other is the "jaxb-fluent-api".

You can also enable debug log in. I didn't mention that I added those lines after I first saw this error.
Index of /nexus/content/groups/public/com/sun/xml/bind/jaxb-impl//
Improving the question-asking experience. The bootstrap warning seems like it might be relevant but I am not sure what it means Additionally, you may want to try adding classpath path: XmlElementWrapperPlugin not a subtypeso the problem is clearly reproducible. XJCFacade -verbose -extension -Xxew -d src xsd. I wouldn't use the ant or maven task for gradle, but rather invoke the Java class directly, like I did this for org.
Maven Repository: a » extdirectspring »
We do use a customized version of the XJC plugin, however the problem only happens when invoking the plugin through M2E in eclipse. Sorry, I forgot to add more information to this.
I think calling the second part "running" is somewhat reasonable, but calling the other part "reference" jaxb-umpl-2.1.8.jar not be quite right.
Martin Gainty Martin Gainty 1.
That means that com. I knew the "arg" change wouldn't matter. I defined my version of "xjcGeneratedSourcesDir " in an "ext" block, which is more Gradle-like, and I also put my "ant. If you are interested in details:. So the correct command line is:.
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